The KREPL app provides information of pest and disease identification and management of almost all economically important crops grown in India. It also provides farmer practices in different crops from seed treatment to harvesting.
KREPL App is useful for Farmers, Agro Input Distributors, Dealers, Agriculture Professionals, Students and Agro Input Company Employees. The KREPL app could be used for identification of pest and diseases by comparing symptoms and pictures with field observations. It also helps to take decision for using pesticides as per CBI recommendations. KREPL app covers almost all molecules in market. This app also provides brief information about KREPL products with its recommendations on different pest with application doses.
KREPL应用程序是为农民,农业投入分销商,经销商,农业专业人士,学生和农业投入公司现有员工非常有用。该KREPL应用程序可以通过比较症状和图片与实地观察可用于害虫和疾病鉴别。它还有助于采取决定使用杀虫剂根据CBI的建议。 KREPL应用涵盖了市场上几乎所有的分子。这个应用程序还提供了有关KREPL产品以其不同的害虫与应用剂量建议的简要信息。